BrushBox Ecology delivers an efficient, professional and personalised consultation service backed up by 13 years of on-the-ground horticultural and ecological experience.  We tailor total plant identification with management planning and reporting, at competitive rates.  BrushBox Ecology has the flexibility to work with tight deadlines.

As a qualified ecologist, Jake can personally provide expert plant identification information and advice on vegetation management, including:

  • Vegetation Assessment, Mapping & Management Planning
  • Onsite Native, Exotic, and Environmental Weed Plant Identification
  • Pre-Clearing Advice and Recommendations
  • Management Guidelines for Endangered, Vulnerable and Near Threatened Species (EVNT’s)
  • Remnant Vegetation and Mapping
  • Vegetation Management Plans

Jake also offers a professional service in vegetation and horticultural consulting to Builders, Landscapers and Landscape Architects, Contractors, Government Agencies and Community Conservation Groups for:

  • Species selection for difficult sites
  • Species identification and assessment
  • Vegetation planning and management